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Case Studies and Reports
on road safety retexturing applications


Pavement Marking Reflectometer

Reflectometer #2 (002).jpg

Friction and Contaminant Testing for
Highways and Runways


By: Bruce Rymer, M Eng., P.E. ,

Paul R. Donavan, PhD. , Erwin Kohler, PhD PE 


Experimental Feature Project
Number MD 1301
Evaluation of Surface Abrasion

Aggregate Treatment TRB Paper 072814-pic

Aggregate polishing and degradation is a pavement management problem for state highway agencies. 

Eindrapport Blastrac Report-picture.png

Rijkswaterstaat's Innovation Test Centre (ITC) was asked by Blastrac to validate this method for use on main roads in the Netherlands. This report describes the validation trial and the conclusions.

Performance of Shotblasting as a Pavemen
Performance of Shot-Blasting
Pavement Preservation Technique

Skid resistance is an important aspect of pavement preservation that enables road authorities to be proactive in efficient and effective pavement management.

City of San Marcos, DOT- TX and 
Airport Management Report 

We are pleased to announce that the friction issues associated with the overlay on Runway 13/31 have been resolved.

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A Study on the Cost-Effective Methods For Recovery
of Skid Resistance on Concrete and Pavement


Kazuhiro NAKAMURA, Corresponding Author 
NEXCO Research Institute Japan 

Washington State_PCCP Texture Mod Report

Final Report Experimental Features WA 98-01I-5 Tukwila to Lucile Street MP 153.94 to 162.48

For Washington State

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The paper concludes that the combination of skid resistance, macrotexture, and financial data provide a powerful tool to assist pavement preservation engineers in selecting the appropriate treatment for a given road.


In December of 2019 Skidabrader had the opportunity to texture 8 sections of the National Center for Asphalt Technology Test Track (NCAT).

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Li Blast Comparison by Chief Materials and Research Engineer Delaware DOT RE: Li ion penetration in the Rt 113 treatment site

Shotblasting to Improve Frictional Properties IDOT 1992-picture.png

Final Report for IOWA DOT PROJECT HR-1057

Pavement Preservation 2014 Reclamite Story -I-40_Page_1.jpg

News Article from Pavement Preservation Journal

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