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The HydroTimer 

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Hydrotimer brochure front page picture

A precision testing instrument calibrated to meet the
ASTM International E 2380-05 Standard

The HydroTimer is a self-contained outflow meter that tests surface drainage on concrete and asphalt pavements before and after surface preparations like abrading or abrasion retexturing. This device measures the pavement's ability to relieve water pressure at the tire footprint, thus giving an excellent indication of vehicular skidding and hydroplaning potential under wet weather conditions.

The Hydrotimer is available to purchase.  $3900.00

The HydroTimer was developed by Skidabrader. We use it to show the results of our Skidabraded surfaces, and Aviation and Transportation Engineers worldwide use it and rely on it.



A self-contained outflow meter that produces consistently accurate results regardless of the operator if the tests are performed in accordance with instructions.

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The HydroTimer is a hands-off operation with trained personnel. The test provides a
graphic visual display of escaping water and a digital reader.

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The HydroTimer is a precision-calibrated instrument designed to meet the
ASTM-2380-05 International Standard.

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The base sealing ring simulates a tire footprint. A measured volume of water is released in the center of the sealing ring, while an electronic timer indicates how long it takes the water to pass through texture voids.

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The HydroTimer shows the surface voids' effectiveness in channeling water from under the tire footprint.

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Measuring the ability of the pavement to relieve water pressure at the tire footprint, thus giving an excellent indication of vehicular skidding and hydroplaning potential under wet weather conditions.

Hydrotimer-Saving Lives

Hydrotimer-Saving Lives

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If you are interested in purchasing a HydroTimer
Please email or phone and we will contact you to process the order.
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Global Operations
4924 Kaltenbrun Rd.
Ft. Worth, TX 76119



Corporate Office
5280 Carroll Canyon Rd., Suite 203
San Diego, CA 92121


Manufacturing, Sales & Rentals
2424 S. 21st St.
Phoenix, AZ  85034


Regional offices and staging locations across the nation


  • Licensed and approved to work in all 50 states
  • $40M is Specialized Trucks
  • 10M in Insurance
  • 25M in Bonding
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Skidabrader Group, LLC operates Skidabrader® and Cyclone Technology® 

specializing in road and runway services for the transportation industries under the parent company Bard Capital Group, LLC.

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