Pre and Post Friction Test with a Mu Meter
Identify Paint Reflectivity with the Stripe master SM2T Retro Refecftometer
Test problem areas to check for good water flow with the Hydro Meter
Our Operators are each Certified on the equipment they run
as per FAA / ICAO guidelines.
Measures Pavement Drainage Capability
The HydroTimer is a self-contained outflow meter that is a hands-off operation that produces consistently accurate results regardless of the operator if the tests are performed in accordance with the instructions.
The HydroTimer is a precision instrument calibrated to meet the ASTM International E 2380-05 Standards that Skidabrader developed. Not only do we use this device for our operations, but it is also sold and relied upon by aviation and the DOT.
Measures Pavement Marking Reflectiveness
Agencies have always recognized the important correlation between pavement markings’ visibility and roadway safety. As automated and autonomous vehicles become more prolific, good markings become even more critical for continued safe operation on mixed-use roads. These agencies are embarking on the challenge of assessing and managing the pavement markings of their entire roadway system.
Skid Friction Tester
Measuring the Friction on Pavement
Airplanes and Automobiles depend on tire friction between runways and roads. This friction keeps planes and automobiles from sliding and slipping, especially in wet weather.
Over time, pavement deteriorates in skid resistance due to weathering, usage, aging, and contaminants. The most persistent contaminant problem is rubber deposits from landing jet aircraft tires. Heavy rubber deposits can completely cover the pavement surface texture, causing a loss of aircraft braking capability and directional control, particularly when runways are wet.